Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy

This Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy" or "Policy") describes the procedure for processing User personal data by AIVA Limited Liability Company, TIN 5902059121 (registered address: 3rd Naberezhnaya Str., 42, room 8, Perm, Perm Territory, 614013) (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Licensor"). It is an integral part of the License Agreement (in terms of defining the terms and meanings used in this Privacy Policy) posted on the website on the Internet at:

Using the Service means the User's unconditional consent to this Policy and the conditions for processing his/her personal data specified herein. If the User disagrees with these conditions, the User must stop using the Service immediately.

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure proper protection of the User information, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

The Company has the right to amend this Policy from time to time. The Company shall notify the Users on any amendment hereto by posting a new version of the Policy on the website at

1. General. User Personal Data

1.1. For the purposes of this Policy, the User personal data means:

1.1.1. Personal information that the User provides when registering (creating an account) or in the process of using the Service, including the User's personal data (such as name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, gender, age, etc.);

1.1.2. The information obtained as a result of the User's use of the Service (such as photos used by the User as an avatar (user profile) and photos posted directly for using the Service functions).

The Company hereby draws the User's attention to the fact that the bank card data and other confidential information of the User or third parties displayed in the photographs provided by the User or third parties will not be collected or processed by the Company. This information is in no way required for using the Service functions, therefore the Company kindly asks the Users not to disclose such information. The User shall be solely liable for disclosing such information and its use by other Users or third parties;

1.1.3. The data that is automatically transmitted to the Service by the software installed on the User's device, including IP address, cookie data, information on the User's browser (or other program that accesses the services), equipment specifications and software used by the User, date and time of access to the Service, addresses of the requested pages, etc.

1.2. The Company shall not process special categories of User personal data (e.g. religious beliefs, sexual identity or health information). Therefore, the Company kindly asks the Users not to disclose such personal data.

1.3. The Company shall store the User personal data on electronic media and process it using automatic systems, except for the cases when manual processing of personal data is required to fulfill legal requirements.

1.4. This Privacy Policy applies only to the Service. The Company shall not control the websites of third parties, to which the User can be addressed by the links available when using the Service, and shall not be liable for such websites.

2. Purpose of User Data Processing. Processing Period

2.1. The Company shall collect and store only such categories of personal data that are essential for the Service functions and / or the execution of the License Agreement, except for the personal data that may be requested by legal authorities to be stored for a certain time period specified by law.

In this regard, The Company shall store and process the User's personal data from the moment the User starts using the Service and until the User deletes his/her account.

If the Company receives the User's notice about the withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data, the Company shall suspend processing the User's personal data by the Service for a period not exceeding 10 business days from the date on which the notice was received.

The notice of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data shall be sent to the email address:

2.2. The Company shall process User's personal data for the following purposes:

2.2.1. to identify the User registered on the Web-site;

2.2.2. to execute the License Agreement and grant the User access to the personalized Service resources;

2.2.3. to establish feedback with the User, send notifications and requests regarding the use of the Service, process requests and applications sent by the User;

2.2.4. to provide the User with effective customer and technical support in case of issues with the Service;

2.2.5. to promote certain goods and services (with the User's consent).

2.3. Personal data processing includes the following activities: collect, record, systematize, accumulate, store, clarify (update, amend), extract, use, transfer (provide, grant access), block, delete, and destroy personal data.

3. Users

3.1. Unregistered Users shall be granted access only to limited functions of the Service. Access will be granted to all Service functions after registration.

3.2. The following data of registered Users shall be stored in the form of visible data on the user page:

· Profile photo (avatar)

· User information (name and gender)

3.3. The Users can communicate with each other. As a rule, the Users can send messages to:

3.3.1. all registered Users, except for the Users, who set certain privacy options;

3.3.2. unregistered Users.

3.4. The User, as the owner of information in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 shall allow and transfer access to all information posted on the Service to the Licensor. The Licensor shall be entitled to exercise this right e.g. in case of a claim issued by one User against another.

The Licensor shall have access to the content of the Users' correspondence and have the right to store, use and disclose such contents in cases prescribed by law, or in cases where the Licensor in good faith believes that the preservation or disclosure of such contents is reasonably necessary for:

3.4.1. complying with legal proceedings;

3.4.2. responding to claims issued by other Users or third parties.

3.5. The Licensor shall also be entitled to use measures such as automatic algorithms for detecting violations (or attempts to violate) when using the Service to detect and suppress such violations.

3.6. The Licensor shall be entitled to request the User to provide the permissions necessary in accordance with applicable law for the processing of his/her personal data from the User's legal representative who is under 18 years old and/or does not have full legal capacity, if the User did not necessarily provide such data during the registration on the Service web-site.

3.7. The Licensor shall also be entitled to request the User to provide a copy of an ID document or another document containing the User's name, surname, photo, and additional information, which, at the Licensor's discretion, will be necessary and sufficient to identify the User and minimize the risk of violation the rights of third parties or the provisions of applicable law. The User shall be obliged to fulfill the above request, which is one of the essential grounds for using the Service, to which the User must give his/her consent. The Licensor shall not disclose the documents submitted by the User for the verification procedure except as otherwise provided by applicable law. The request for the above information is the Licensor's right, but not the obligation.

3.8. Interaction with other users.

3.8.1. The User agrees that other Service users will see the User's name and other information specified in the User's profile.

3.8.2. The User shall not use the information of other Users in order to establish contact with them for commercial purposes, send advertising messages or threats that may distress them. The Company shall be entitled to ban the accounts of Users who illegally use the data of other persons or otherwise violate the General Conditions of the Service.

3.8.3. The Company shall store the name and e-mail address or mobile phone number obtained from the imported data in order to automatically establish a connection between the User and the data owner. The Company shall not trade the mentioned addresses, but use them solely for the purpose of sending e-mail invitations. The person concerned shall be entitled to demand that such information be removed from the Company's database. The Company may only process the aforementioned request with regard to the addresses that have been registered in its database at the time the request is received, and not to the data not yet received.

4. Data protection

4.1. The Company shall store the User personal data on separate well-protected servers.

4.2. The Company shall takes extensive technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of the User data from possible risks, e.g. unauthorized connection or access, unauthorized data viewing, amendment, distribution, loss, destruction or misuse by third parties (to ensure privacy of transmitted electronic messages). However, the possibility of unauthorized access cannot be completely excluded since the connection via the Internet cannot be completely secure. In this regard, the Company shall ask the User to protect personal data by logging off before leaving the page.

5. Cookies

5.1. Cookies are text files stored on the User's computer that can be used for various purposes, such as enabling the Company to customize the Service to suit the User's needs. However, the use of cookies is not fundamental for the Service.

5.2. Generally, the User can disable cookies using the Internet browser settings to prevent these text files from being stored on the User's computer. The User also can delete cookies stored on his/her computer. If you have any questions about cookies, send them to the above e-mail address. Besides, cookies are generated when a person visits the website for the first time.

6. Log Files

6.1. Each time the Company's website is accessed, user data is transmitted through the user's browser or other device and stored in log files also known as "server log files". In general, the following data are stored in this way:

· The domain from which the User accessed the website;

· Access date and time;

· IP address of the computer from which the website was accessed;

· The website visited by the User to get the offered services;

· Data traffic transferred, browser type and version, or mobile device identification numbers;

· Operating system used;

· Internet service provider;

· Access alert.

6.2. The Company shall analyze all depersonalized log file data to improve the services offered by the Company and adapt to the User needs by identifying and correcting errors, and managing server bandwidth usage.

7. Other Service Providers

7.1. If the Company collects, processes and uses data on behalf of business partners, these partners shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with legal requirements regarding confidential data. In this regard, the Company shall not be liable to Users for ensuring that its business partners comply with legal requirements regarding confidential data. Contractual or quasi-contractual relations of the User, which he/she may enter into with one of the business partners, do not create any rights or obligations of the Company. The Company can influence these legal relations neither directly, nor indirectly. In these cases, the Company shall follow the instructions of the relevant business partner.

8. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties

8.1. The Company shall not transfer personal data to third parties without the User's consent and without informing the User in advance except for the data listed below. Generally, the Company publishes aggregate depersonalized data for marketing and promotional purposes. However, such data do not contain any information that can be used to identify the data owners.

8.2. The Company provides such information to third parties for market research, demographic research and targeted advertising, which allows targeted advertising to be directed to specific users in accordance with their individual interests.

8.3. The Company shall be entitled to transfer information to subcontractors, service providers or other carefully selected third parties for the purpose of improving the services it offers, but only with the User's consent. In this regard, the Company guarantees that such subcontractors and service providers will also be required to strictly comply with applicable confidentiality requirements and applicable Company rules.

8.4. The Company shall be entitled to disclose the User's personal data in the event of structural changes in the Company or a change of ownership as a result of a merger or acquisition by another company, restructuring measures, sale of the Company or its insolvency.

8.5. The User agrees that the Company makes the profile of the Service User available in the applications and services of the Company's partners (hereinafter referred to as the "Partners").

8.6. Accordingly, the Users of the Partners' applications and services will see the data and profile of the Service users and communicate with each other in the same way as the Service users do.

8.7. The Service users have the right and opportunity to block other users of the Partners' applications and services or request that their profiles be removed from these services in accordance with the clause below.

9. Removal and Withdrawal of Consent for Data Processing

9.1. The User shall be entitled to demand from the Company and its business partners to inform him/her of the User's personal data that are stored by the Company or its partners, and to demand that the Company deletes such data or restricts access to them.

9.2. If you have any questions regarding the Company's privacy policy or for requesting, deletion or blocking of data, please contact us by e-mail: